Category Cat Behavior

why does my cat twitch in her sleep? 9 reasons

An adorable feline friend experiencing gentle sleep twitches, showcasing the charm of cat behavior during restful moment

  Ever wondered, “Why does my cat twitch in her sleep?” Well, we’ve got the answers! Cats, much like us, go through different sleep stages, including a dreaming phase called REM (Rapid Eye Movement). When your cat twitches, wiggles her…

Why does my cat bite me? (5 reasons)

"Playful cat gently biting owner's hand, expressing affection through love bites during a bonding moment."

  “Ever wondered, ‘why does my cat bite me?’ Our feline friends, known for their charming antics, may surprise us with a gentle nibble or an unexpected bite. Understanding these behaviors is key to a harmonious relationship. Discovering the reasons…

Cat growling in sleep? All possible reasons

Cat peacefully growling during sleep, exhibiting typical feline behavior and expressions.

  Cat growling during sleep can be quite puzzling for cat owners. These mysterious, low-pitched sounds often make us wonder what’s going on in our feline friends’ dreams. In this exploration of cat behavior, we’ll take a closer look at…